Dear Diary,
I'm so annoyed!! I feel like my friends are ignoring me lately, on Facebook the other day one girl posted on everyone's walls but mine. Also, another girl was posting links on loads of peoples walls, but guess whos wall she didn't post on..... that's right, mine!
The only thing my friend ever seems to talk to me about anymore is my boyfriend, if it's not related to him then it's bitching about one of our friends.
I live in a different place to the other girls and I always seem to be left out or forgetten about..... I hate feeling like this :(
I'm supper stressed at the moment and all this isn't helping. I know it is stupid but to cope with stress I bite myself and currently my hand and arm is covered in bite marks cause I have no other way to deal with all of this and I can't say anything to anyone without sounding like a moany bitch :(
I'm not even looking forward to summer now cause I have a feeling this is going to continue like this.....
From, depressed and pissed off!